Career Info for Physical Therapy Degrees

Occupational Therapy Degrees: Bachelor, Associate & Online Course Info

What will you learn in an occupational therapy program? Read about occupational therapy program requirements, the pros and cons of an associate's and a bachelor's degree and potential careers.

Physical Therapy Assistant: Certifications, Associate & Online Degree Info

What will you learn in a physical therapy assistant program? Read about program requirements, the pros and cons of a certificate and an associate degree and potential careers.

Physical Therapy Degrees: Associate, Bachelor & Online Class Info

Associate's and bachelor's degrees in physical therapy can lead to careers in physical therapy assistance or to further education in the field. Get the truth about the requirements, courses and online options, and find out what you can do with...

Featured Schools

Grand Canyon University

  • Doctor of Philosophy in Counselor Education and Supervision Qualitative
  • M.S. in Mental Health and Wellness with an Emphasis in Integrated Health
  • B.S. in Behavioral Health Science with an Emphasis in Substance Use Disorders

What is your highest level of education?

Bryant & Stratton College

  • Health Services Administration - AAS

What is your high school graduation status?

Pepperdine University Graduate School of Education and Psychology

  • Masters in Applied Behavior Analysis

What is your highest level of education completed?

Penn Foster High School

  • HS Diploma

What is your highest level of education?

Liberty University

  • PHD: Counselor Education and Supervision
  • Education Specialist in Community Care and Counseling: Marriage and Family Counseling
  • Education Specialist in Community Care and Counseling: Pastoral Care and Counseling

What is your highest level of education?

Yeshiva University